You wrote -

"Seekers of deep thought have had little reason to contact Mike Gundy, the Oklahoma State football coach.

He was photographed wearing a T-shirt celebrating One America News, a harsh critic of Black Lives Matter and other progressive entities"

I don't even know what to say. The BLM movement is a bunch of racist pigs who disrupt [and have disrupted] neighborhoods, steal donations, lie........and all in the name of George Floyd and racism.

They have been thoroughly discredited. And you applaud them and at least agree that anybody who discredits them.......is a dumbass......or something.

I can't read you anymore. You are stupid and blinded by real racism.

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None of that about BLM is true, which Gundy acknowledged. If you're going to call me names because you disagree with me, maybe you should indeed read something else.

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