I’ve never been a college sports fan - I grew up in NYC, which has always been predominantly a pro sports town, and neither I nor anyone in my family went to a Division 1A school - and so to I’ve always viewed the college game as the minor leagues with pageantry. Still, one might have been able to sustain the illusion that this was competition among student athletes following long-standing traditions. At this point, though, one would have to be willing to suspend disbelief beyond reason to see big time college sports as anything but an aggregation of second rate professionals stripped of all tradition, loyalty or continuity.

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When you say players deserve to be paid, I have to disagree with you. Nobody is twisting their arms, making them play.

They got their education paid for, meals, room and board, and a daily stipend.

Plus they had the advantage of choosing their classes ahead of all the other students, had constant tutors, and professors that were flexible for them, even though there was no flexibility for non-athlete students.

I know player payments are here to stay, but fans that used to be here to stay, are going to start ignoring college football or at least just become casual fans. I have.

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What a discombobulated mess! I’m so sorry to see college sports as we knew it slide into the pit.

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