Oh you talk so smart but the POTuS can’t even find his way off the stage. Good grief. He is the worst president we have ever had

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Excellent column, as always!

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Great analysis Mark! And if I am ever in need of barbs and one-liners before a debate can I commission you to write some for me? You made me laugh and smile with yours, a winning strategy in a debate.

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Excellent analysis! Agreed The NY Times should have declared Trump “unfit to be President” after conviction of 34 felony charges. However, their recent editorial opinion about Biden was less that he is unfit to be President but more that they think he dramatically reduced his chances of re-election after the debate and should step aside for someone who might have better odds of winning. Let’s keep in mind that running a country is far more complex than running a sports team or even a large multimillion corporation. Biden has shown he can do a much better job than Trump if you care about democracy, equity, sustainability, security, stability, compassion, gun safety, and women’s right to choose.

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Whick for president!

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